Thursday, 10 July 2014

Norwich Cathedral Peregrines

The Norwich Cathedral Peregrines provided enjoyment to many visitors again during the breeding season. This year four young again hatched successfully on their high spire ledge and so far, fingers crossed (unless you are a Pigeon) three still survive. As the adult Peregrines become more experienced it seems they are also becoming used to all the excitement. They even fed the young on the lower roofs despite the audience and a film crew building sets for a period drama in the cathedral cloisters.

Constant updates via the Hawk and Owl Trust media feeds ensured that those interested, including photographers, could keep finely tuned to on-going events, to maximise their chance of witnessing the best action. This constant supply of news ensured a continually stream of people visiting the site. Happily the Peregrines have become so used to the noises of a large vibrant city that all the extra visitors attracted to the cathedral by the Hawk and Owl Trust would seem to have little or no effect on their breeding success. 

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Spectacled Warbler (Sylvia conspicillata) Norfolk June 2014

This male Spectacled Warbler established a territory for a few weeks at Burnham Overy Dunes and was pretty tame in that it would forage and sing unconcernedly just feet away. More photos to be uploaded at Please click on the Norfolk bird news section.